14 years
Personally if you were to contact me and tell me you can make my business better I would want to know 'who are you' and why do you think you can make me more money. First issue is you are telling me my staff / management are crap this could put my back up, even if I know I have an issue with a manager I don't need you coming in here and telling me that.
The best approach would be to get to the owner, you are right in sending an email could be dead in the water as in 99.9% of cases it is going to hit a staff member, so even if you make it past the spam filters then past the staff you still have to sell it in an unsolicited email. (that's allot of upstream in a barbed wire canoe with one arm)
You say you don't have experience of turning around establishments, this is also a huge issue as what do I do take you on your word that you know what your doing, bit of a gamble with my business don't you think. Having no proof of your capabilities is a bit of a problem, and what you would need to do is fix that so you can end up with cases where you have turned places around.
Your best chance would again be to get to the owner, and offer to work for free but take a percentage on new generated revenue, this will limit the gamble on my behalf but there is no way I am about to get rid of any existing staff.
I would want a proposal of what you want to do, how it is going to increase my bottom line and how you are going to make my existing staff work better / train and generally keep the new profitable direction going once you have left.
If you can do that for a couple of establishments then you have something to work with, for the further contacting of other as you see them low performing businesses.
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