6 months
Hello Rory,
It's fantastic to hear about your passion for starting a hostel in Vietnam! Your love and enthusiasm for Vietnam and well as the experience from your motorbike trip are a great foundation.
Finding a Business Partner: To start your journey, partnering with an existing hostel or hotel owner in Vietnam would indeed be highly beneficial. This will also help you obtain the necessary invitation letter for the DN visa and navigate local regulations smoothly. I'm sending you with the details of the 120 hostels we know about in Vietnam. If you want, I can use my contacts to help make introductions with hostel owners that might help you find a suitable partner.
Investment: Having funds to contribute to a new business will be helpful in attracting a partner and can likely help with the business visa process. That said, I've seen partnerships form between a property owner and an entrepreneur (like yourself) that has the passion and ambition to make the hostel business a reality.
Language Skills: Do you speak any Vietnamese. Speaking and understanding the local language, even at a basic level, can significantly help build trust and facilitate communication with partners, employees, and guests.
Risks and Considerations: There are a number of risks and considerations to think about when deciding to partner as a foreign national. These include cultural and language barriers, legal and regulatory compliance, and the fact you will always be at a disadvantage when negotiating as a foreigner. We can discuss these in more detail when and if we meet.
Looking forward to helping you achieve your dream!
Darren Overby, Publisher
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