13 years
How are you planning on getting around this law in NYC? It seems very problematic from what I've read...
I'm opening a hostile in New York City approximately 11,000 square feet, I am trying to find examples of other hostile floor plans, I'm also looking for places to buy metal bunk beds lockers and sheets and pillows wholesale ,Thank you
13 years
How are you planning on getting around this law in NYC? It seems very problematic from what I've read...
13 years
How many bed are you planning for? Also, how many private rooms and how many shared rooms?
@amIdoingthisright what law are you talking about?
13 years
Hi, I had the same question, what law are you amIdoingthisright referring to, yiseowl o you have any experience in floorplans for hostel. Thank you
13 years
Hi, I understand there is a law in New York City you can't have more than three people that don't know each other in the same room, but I see the large hostels have 10 people in the room, and they are not being shot down, trying to find out what the real law is, anybody know. Thanks brownstone
13 years
Still trying to find the official bill but for now read tis http://www.nysenate.gov/press-release/illegal-hotels-bill-passes-legislature-bill-protect-residents-increase-apartment-avail
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