15 years
So, you are saying that I have to wait 4 weeks for bugspray?? Is there a way to prevent rather to extermine??
No, you misunderstood me. Spray BEFORE you open, or you´ll regret it four weeks later.
Hi guys! I'm in the process of opening a new hostel in Queretaro, Mexico, with previous experience in hotel and travel industry but none in hostels. I have to say that I've learned a lot in this website from you people, so I feel very confident on knowing more than the basic stuff thanks to you.
As a newcomer in the industry I was wondering if you, with your hostel wisdom, can tell me which are, in your experience, the biggest mistakes that someone can make when opening a new hostel. I think this discussion could be of great help for me and other new managers, and could even be added at the Hostel Wiki section as a what-not-to-do list.
I look forward on reading your posts, and don't forget to let me know if you will be visiting Mexico soon!!
15 years
So, you are saying that I have to wait 4 weeks for bugspray?? Is there a way to prevent rather to extermine??
No, you misunderstood me. Spray BEFORE you open, or you´ll regret it four weeks later.
15 years
What other terrible mistakes do you think one can make during this exciting process??
Innovation. Most hostels make this terrible mistake, even after a successful opening some people forgot to keep up later on. Don't wait until the weed grows on the yard, if you keep checking up on possible improvements, you don't pile up the workload neither! ;)
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