14 years
There's a good point here. We know that usually, if there are sheets on the bed, then the bed is occupied. We can double check because we have guests post their bed receipts next to their bed. If there are sheets and no receipt - we can assume a guest forgot to remove them (which then is a reception problem as dorm guests are required to turn in their sheets to get their security deposit back) and we can free up the bed for the guest.
I think you can go either way with this discussion, and i agree that a made up bed looks very nice.
But considering the high cost of washing sheets and the rising costs of housekeeping, we do need to keep the practical factors balanced with the 'niceness' factor. We cover all our beds and pillows with white fluffy mattress covers (and plastic covers too - bed bugs people! there are decent plastic covers out there and they save your beds), white pillow covers and the duvets already have the covers on them. So people find a clean (we inspect the covers daily to change any that are stained) bed on which to put their nice clean sheets.
If we someday notice complaints happening regarding making beds (and that may start as we've just changed up our beds a bit making them more difficult to make up) then we will re-evaluate and make the change the guests demand.
But for now, without guest issues in this area, it just seems fine to leave as is.
Oh and Klaus - it's the closest we can come to the old time 'chores'. LOL. Now if only we could make them all go to bed at the same time...
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