12 years
If you don't get a reply here, maybe try browsing around in some of these threads:
Our hostel is currently doing some research to find out what Channel Manager would be best for us. Does anyone have any suggestions or pointers? Are there any we should stay away from?
Also, does anyone have any feedback or experience with IWB Channel Manager? I can't seem to find much about it.
12 years
If you don't get a reply here, maybe try browsing around in some of these threads:
12 years
Hi there,
I am using MyAllocator and I find it a treat to use and only costs £10 per month
I think the software you are currently using may not be compatible?
Have you got Front of house software system/
I am using Loventis and its Free!
It is a simple no frills system but does all I need
12 years
We are using AutoUpdate for almost 2 years now and it's very good
mainly the option for price floating
7 years
We use EffectiveTours.com for a year already. It's free for 6 month. And after you have to pay just 1$ per room. Pretty cool. They have all major OTA + ical for Airbnb, Tripadvisor, etc...
7 years
Josh, it's all about: budget, connections, support, and of course your own specific requirements - you can read: http://www.hotelminder.com/10-tips-best-channel-manager-for-your-hotel to get some tips about choosing the most suitable Channel Manager for your hostel.
6 years
When you have not only one OTA like booking.com managment of rates and availability of all of that OTA are not so easy like it's look like
For managment all OTA that we have we'ae using channel manager otelms, it's so simple for us, also that cm included hms and booking module. Enjoy
6 years
If you have any questions about OtelMS solutions you can get in touch with me
6 years
Hello, we have been using Easy Inn Keeping but just recently they have not been able to resolve pricing differences with what Booking.com is advertising. Considering changing channel mangers. Free would be great, but we like to be able to get support as well. Also, something that works great with macs. Any suggestions?
5 years
What is the reasonable price you are ready to pay per bed in case if channel manager provides you all main distribution channels?
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