14 years
Most hostels charge when the service is provided.
Laundry is usually per load.
I wouldn't charge for tours unless a guest goes on them...
I'm about to open my hostel soon and would like to hear from you guys, what you think about the best way to charge for extra services (bar, laundry, city tours, transfers etc..).
Should I charge the services at the checkout?
Should I charge according the guest consumption?
14 years
Most hostels charge when the service is provided.
Laundry is usually per load.
I wouldn't charge for tours unless a guest goes on them...
14 years
In my experience it is much easier to charge guests for extras when you provide them, rather than at checkout. This helps avoid the "what's this charge? There's no way I had 18 beers." conversation. Also, WE charge guests for their entire stay when they arrive, so when they want to leave, they don't even have to check out, they've already paid for everything they needed to. No rushing to check out and catch the next bus or flight.
14 years
Thanks guys...
@CR I'm also considering to charge guests when they arrive...
I'm thinking to sell coins to automatic machines for wash and dry. Do you think is inconvenient guests washing their clothes themselves?
@Hostels (master) As for tours, of course, I'll charge only for services contracted...
14 years
I'm thinking to sell coins to automatic machines for wash and dry. Do you think is inconvenient guests washing their clothes themselves?
Many hostels have self-service laundry machines and I think they work well...
14 years
I think DIY laundry is easier, but we don't let guests load washers without a staff member around. Our reason is to keep things like tennis shoes and super muddy clothes out of the wash. In Costa Rica, nearly everything but food is imported, including washers and dryers, which makes everything pretty pricey. So, we have to protect our equipment from the inconsiderate guest and things that ruin our equipment.
14 years
With respect. There is an alternative.
Always over 50% of the guests staying have been here before; many I have known for more than 10 years. I would consider it an insult to them to ask for money "up front". They have currently rocked up a tab of over 1000 Euro in bed nights and over 700 Euro in breakfasts and beers. I sleep easy. It will all be paid otherwise they cannot return!!
But yes, newbies pay the stay they booked on HW, HB, etc., and then start a tab for their drinks. I did not go to Uni to be like a supermarket cashier!!
It works; I get well more than 99% of the money in and in a much more relaxed way. The odd guest who has forgotten to pay in the rush to sober up, pack and get the bus posts the money to me!
14 years
Sorry about the auto-insurance spammer. I deleted his posts and banned him. I'm working on an upgrade that should block most of the spammers in the future.
Always over 50% of the guests staying have been here before; many I have known for more than 10 years. I would consider it an insult to them to ask for money "up front". They have currently rocked up a tab of over 1000 Euro in bed nights and over 700 Euro in breakfasts and beers. I sleep easy. It will all be paid otherwise they cannot return!!
I was thinking about Plakias when I wrote "most" in italics above :)
14 years
Sorry about the auto-insurance spammer. I deleted his posts and banned him. I'm working on an upgrade that should block most of the spammers in the future.
That's OK master! :)
This is a model I'd like to adopt in my hostel... If not expensive, I'd like to use a magnetic card to register all extras expenses. What system do you use?
14 years
I keep it simple. Just a pen and paper to record name and what they had. Then once a day I transfer that info on to an Excel spreadsheet.
At checkout time I can quickly see how many nights are owed and what their consumption has been.
14 years
We always get the payment for the beds up-front. I think that most customers accept this as normal in hostels. Means there's not any chance of misunderstandings on checkout regarding any aspects of the cost. We don't offer bar and restaurant though, so I guess that may be a different situation. Personally I'd still take money, and not run up a tab. Perhaps it's my untrusting nature. We don't have nearly the amount of repeat customers that Plakian has.
I remember a case at a hostel where the owner took in backpackers who were working picking fruit. The had no money from pay check to pay check, so would let them run up a tab for expenses. She took their passports as security. At the end of the season some of them just left without paying and without their passports, and claimed them as lost or stolen on their travel insurance.
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