6 years
Just returned from Da Nang, Vietnam. Their hostel market is not so virgin. And land might be a nightmare the local expats say.
I am thinking of buying some land and building a hostel/retreat. I have travelled in south east asia and I love the beach hut type of hostels and know they are cheap to build, however, the land around Cambodia and Thailand has become very expensive because of the increasing tourism. Does anyone know of any beach or island areas around southeast asia, or anyone else in the world, that are growing in popularity but still cheap?
Any info would be much appreciated.
6 years
Just returned from Da Nang, Vietnam. Their hostel market is not so virgin. And land might be a nightmare the local expats say.
6 years
its tough many lokingfor same thing
problem is ensuring your investment is secure
many options and interesting things in Philapines and options in cnetral and s america and on islands in middle of nowhere.
Indonesia is interesting but agianfar far away
Ivebeen looking at cambodia but its always a balance between
secuirty of investment/ level of local corruption/ cost of land/ weather area has visitors and is on the up and up or overdeveloped already
good luck James
all the best
6 years
Hi James,
Acutually I have a plan to open a hostel on my own land, located near HuaHin Thailand. If you interested to share or I can split to sell some land to you,so please email to me for more information!!
6 years
Hi Supanan,
Pleas etell me more about your land and send some pics and information. I have lived in thailand on Koah tao and i am a matire property developer & have finance and I am interested, see more about me in the profile. good luck and look forward to hearing form you .
Imcurious what the cost of building is inn the area? $ per sq ft and what sort of buildings currently exist?
what the tourist or traveler market looks like ?
for example are there many thaipeople just coming from the city on weekends or what?
let me know [email protected]
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