14 years
Ok, so I've been thinking about this...
Design will be minimal, mainly because Im not too good at web design + i love clean pages.
Home page will be just a picture of Belgrade and option which language will you choose, which will bring you to the ,,2nd" home page. It will be mostly news page, what was the last thing updated on the site, plus some other options like weather forcast, current time etc...
Other pages:
Informations about prices, security, laws, currency, maps etc...
Things-to-do this will be a page where users can send their stories and suggestions what to do when in Belgrade
Service info about taxi, rent-a-car, embassies, hospitals...
Gallery with images from all over the city, it will have an option for users to upload their pictures
And Hostels ofcourse. All of them, informations, prices, ratings, comments, directions and so on...
What would You add, to make this site better, and what would you delete?
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