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Google Analytics Custom Mobile Browser Report
Internet Marketing
16 years 4 weeks ago
Google Analytics uses JavaScript, so it won't track most cell phones, but you can still extract some data from visitors using iPods and iPhones to browse your hostel website.
The report will first show you a list of operating systems (like iPods and iPhones). Clicking on an operating system will then show you the country those visitors were from. Clicking on the countries will show you the cities they were from.
The purpose of the custom report is to show where your mobile visitors are browsing from.
Go into your Google Analytics account and look for Custom Reports in the right sidebar (see also: how to setup custom reports in Google Analytics).
The following image shows how to setup the custom report:
Metric: Visits
Dimension: Operating System
Sub-dimension: Country/Territory
Sub-dimension: City
Then run the report and click through the operating systems (e.g., iPod) to find countries. Click on a country name to view cities.
Here's what the report will look like:
A list of visitors' operating systems:
Clicking on iPod, shows a list a countries where visitors used the site with iPods:
Clicking on a country (USA) brings up a list of visitors' cities:
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