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Google Analytics Social Engagement Reporting
Internet Marketing
13 years 7 months ago
Google Analytics Gets Social Engagement Reporting
Google Analytics has just announced a new set of reports (and functionality) that will enable websites to track social interaction with their content. This comes as a welcomed addition to the new Google+1 button, as it now enables one to measure the impact of social interactions in and outside websites (either through a Facebook like, +1 or LinkedIn share inside the website or +1 on search results).
By default, it tells you how many of your visitors use Google's new +1 button. You can also have it track the number of Facebook and Twitter shares too, but it requires some coding:
You have to be using the new Google Analytics to see the new feature. If you don't have an orange toolbar on the top of your Google Analytics dashboard, look for a link at the top of the page to upgrade to the new Analytics.
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