Hoping to open hostel in future. Need suggestions!
Hey all! My name is Mike and I'm from Florida. While I would love to open a hostel in the Orlando area, it's not feasible. That public transport, or lack of, is terrible in this City. You need a car to get anywhere. So I figure
My buddy and I have always been interested in opening a hostel. We both love to travel and love the idea of staying in hostels. The atmosphere is great and you get to meet so many new people! I contacted the Chamber of Commerce of the area we are considering for some stats. Mainly I wanted to know stats for visitors between the ages of 18 and 32 (I just figured this would be a good age range) and any statistics they had on international tourism.
They informed me that in 2013 numbers for the age groups were as follows:
Total of 13 million visitors and 7.6 of those staying overnight.
Ages 18-24: 20% are Day trippers and 15% are Overnight
Ages 25-44: 43% are Day trippers and 47% are Overnight
Ages 45-64: 30% are Day trippers and 29% are Overnight
65 or older: 7% are Day trippers and 9% are Overnight
While it wasn't broken into the age group I was looking for (they couldn't help this, it's the way it is), it looks like ~ 1.1 million between the ages of 18 and 24.
The average percentage of visitors for the different seasons is really close, around 25%.
I was just wondering how you can come up with projections based on those numbers? Is a safe number for occupancy for the first year around 60% each season?
Thanks in advance! I look forward to your input! :)
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