15 years
Why don´t you use Surveymonkey?
You could create a survey in a way that results are only shown if one participates in the survey.
What country is your hostel in? ´- Gemany, Austria
Does your hostel have AC in the rooms? - No
Does your hostel have heat? What kind? (oil, electric, etc.) - Central gas heating
How is your water heated? - Natural gas from Putin´s Gazprom :D
Do you do your laundry inhouse or outsource? - Outsourced
How much water does each individual guest use on average? (yearly occupancy divided by liters/gallons of water) - 120 Liters per bed night
How much electricity does each individual guest use on average? (yearly occupancy number divided by unit) - 3 kWh per bed night
If water heating bill is separate from electricty bill, what is the average occupancy divided by unit? - Separate. Divided by which unit???
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