9 years
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Are you planning to construct the building from the ground up, or are you going to look for an existing 200m2 building?
If you use a building that already exists, then many of the decisions about the layout will be made for you by the existing floor plan. If you’re building something from scratch, then you have a lot of options to play with.
As general suggestions, you might consider keeping your common areas on the ground floor and your sleeping areas above, or at least separated by a decent sound barrier. Separating the access to toilets, showers, and sinks will reduce the wait time for any of those facilities. As a general rule of thumb for calculating the beds you can put into a dorm, give the first bunk bed 10m2 of floor space, and 5m2 for each additional bunk bed.
If you haven’t already seen the New Hostel FAQ page, check it out. There are lots of great suggestions in those threads.
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