9 years
Hi Ben,
Where is your Hostel located?
As i gather more info about starting my own hostel, i really realize how important 'local authority' is over the hostel, it's not like other industries, where you can plan for and calculate expenses over different towns even in the same country. Because each place will have their own 'local approval system'.. (or at least state wide in say the USA)
You could rent out the common rooms for events... meetings... which would also bring awareness of the hostel to the community...
i dunno if subletting to college students or such would be a breach of the 'getting approved for human residence' process in your area.
however i would think people's right to gather' temporarily, would be pretty understandable.. (assuming you passed Fire/safety already)
Hold auctions there for local charities...
I dunno i'm just thinking out loud.
but I like the question because it makes me think ahead some more on my own path.
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