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An Interview with Paul Hastings-Gayle from Hostelbookers
Internet Marketing
12 years 11 months ago
An Interview with Paul Hastings-Gayle from Hostelbookers (8th March 2012) Sticking to Target Group's Preferences While Improving Customer Cross and Upsell
Cross selling and up-selling to the youth and independent online travel sector can turn out to be a significant growth opportunity. All of this, as Paul Hastings-Gayle, head of distribution,, says would depend upon following factors: strength, price transparency, and full product choice. “In the youth and independent online travel sector, customers are web savvy, they are typically pioneers and early adopters, therefore they are less likely to ‘package’ for convenience as our surveys show that price, brand, and choice are the key factors of their purchasing decision,” Hastings-Gayle told’s Ritesh Gupta in an interview.
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