5 years
Hi all
I accidentally seem to have pushed return before I had even started writing, so the post comes as a comment....
We are a couple with a child of 3, currently living in Swtzerland, looking at leasing a small resort in the Phillippines. We aim to return to Switzerland within +/- 5 years, so we're not really interested in starting from scratch. Buying is complicated and expensive, but possible if the right thing comes up.
We are looking mainly at Siquijor or maybe Palawan (Pto Princesa or El Nido area). South Cebu and Bohol are possibilities. School for our kid is a priority so it has to be close to an area with a suitable school.
We're not aiming for a classic hostel with backpackers having parties. We want a quiet place with slightly higher standard, a quality restaurant (and a proper coffee machine :D ) and hopefully building good relations with our neighbours. We would like a dive centre and have a partner who is close to becoming an instructor and interested in partnering up. We want to place ecology high on our list of priorities, not least because it's an industry with a VERY big CO2 footprint and we are feeling VERY guilty towards our son!
We have almost no experience in the business (one of us is currently doing a crash course in a friend's hotel in the Swiss Alps) and we hope to find a business partner who not only has some relevant experience but also shares our values and concerns. That means that you could have experience in marketing, seo, accounting, food and beverage, etc but you could equally have experience in permaculture, installing wind turbines, building with bamboo or reforestation projects - we would also count that as relevant. We think a business partnership will work best when we share some core values and have a similar target group. Money you can put down or experience you can show for come after that.
One of us a geographer (by training) who works in sustainable consumption, the other is an anthroplogist (by training) who works in the film industry. Between us we're proficient in 5 languages and can just about get by in another two, though not Filipino or Cebuano.
We'll be scouting in April-May. Hope to make a move by early 2021.
If you think you might fit in then shoot me a mail, tell me a little but about yourself and what your plans are.
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