Looking for Partner: Setting up a chill hostel in Goa, India. Plans to make it into a chain of hostels
I am in the process of setting up a backpacker hostel in Goa, with a plan to further expand into multiple locations and have a chain of backpacker hostels across the country. At present, I am finalizing on the first property and getting the required licenses.
I am looking for a business partner who has prior experience in the hostel or hospitality sector as well as a passion for travel and hostels. Depending on how involved you want to be in the project, you can partner and invest in just the one hostel in Goa, or in the entire hostel chain. What's most important is that our shared vision should be to give backpackers an unforgettable experience and be the 'Go to' hostel in whichever city we open up.
If this sounds like your cup of tea and you are interested in setting up, running and expanding the hostel business in a country which has a high demand for backpacker hostels, a very low supply and increasing number of backpackers every year, then contact me on [email protected] and lets get the show on the road! Further information available through email :)
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