5 years
This BUSINESS PLAN is information for the investor interested in the construction of the hotel in “WROCŁAW”. The main sought-after source of financing is attracting investors in the amount of 5,5 mln EURO an hotel. The author of this project to its implementation looking for an investor to build the hotel in Wrocław or WARSZAWA with the prospect of the company's development and construction of the brand "Bizon Grill". This project is an author and a unique solution in POLAND.
Customers of restaurant “Bizon Grill” are thousands of shoppers at the mall. We are planning several thematic events (family barbecues, meetings with country music) organized by the hotel. There are also some advantages for the start of the investment. The company has prepared all the fields of activity of land, construction of the facility, the people who lead these objects. Hostel wagon has two bunk beds, a bathroom and as an attraction will be used as a room in a hostel. “Bizon Grill” firstly has provided the location in thirty places in Poland where millions of customers come. These millions will come to us to look closely at our buildings, arrangement and products-and our task is to give the product for which they want to pay. And we have it and use it, because we know how to do it.
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