Seeking opinions on what online marketing you choose to invest in - Update your social networking profiles from one place
Internet Marketing
16 years 8 months ago
I just signed up for a new service called It lets you post to many different social networking sites from one place.
The service is still in beta, but if anyone wants to signup send me a private message and I may be able to give you an invite code that works.
These are the current sites that supports:
- Bebo
- Blogger
- hi5
- Jaiku
- LiveJournal
- MySpace
- Pownce
- Tumblr
To send a message that will be published on your different profiles you can precede the message with a symbol.
For example, if you have setup MySpace and Tumblr to accept blog post, you can send a blog post to both by writing your message in this format @b title^body.
Example: @b This is my blog title^This is where I write my blog post...
To send a status update (e.g., MySpace, Twitter, Facebook), precede your message with @s
Example: @s This is the text of the status update
To post a micro-blog post, use the format: @m message
I've only started using today, but it looks like a great tool to manage multiple profiles on different sites.
The only thing I'm not using it for is Twitter, because I think Twitter messages should be more personal.
EDIT: I may have the posting commands above wrong -- I'll post back here with an update after I double check.
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