15 years
Its all in the contract you agree too. You could go with a 5 year contract with a further 4 x 5 year options. That way you have the right to rent the hostel for 25 years but are not obliged to rent it for more than 5 years or 5 year increments from there.
You could also write a contract which stipulates you have the option of buying the hostel after your rental period for a pre agreed price. If the market outdoes your agreed price you could pick it up for a bargin, if it doesnt you could re negotiate price if you wanted to buy and the owner wanted to sell.
Further to this, the value of your hostel should be in your brand and positioning in the market, you will have an established client base and marketing channels, simply moving to another location as long as it is of an equal or better standard should not put you back to the start, in fact it shouldnt put you back much at all.
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