17 years
**Large internet marketing sites like hostelworld.com generally take 10% of each booking which can be substantial.
I think it's definitely a good idea to get listed in at least Hostelworld and Hostelbookers. The 10% booking fee is not fun, but as long as you have empty beds it's better to make 90% on the beds than nothing.
I would do searches for how people might search for your hostel and see which sites rank well. For example, if you open a property in Thailand, you might want to get listed on asiarooms.com also.
I would try to get listed in the print and online guides as quickly as possible. There are a lot of good online guides to SE Asia that travelers use to plan their trips like travelfish.org.
It’s also very possible to advertise ourselves based on keywords on search engines.
There are some tips about PPC advertising a front desk booking software thread and adwords tips for hostels page.
***This buffer assumes no guests for one month which includes $10,000 at most in mortgage, $1,000 in utilities, $2,000 for two employees, and $7,000 in unforeseen expenses
You can get guests right away if you are listed online in advance. Get your marketing setup before your hostel opens. You can start taking bookings even before you open.
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