Seeking To Be Your Business Representative /Partner
Enos Denhere is a Leadership Success Coach, Business Developer, and writer with more than eight years of experience in the creative writing industry, writing in print and online media. He has more than a hundred online articles, links and news pages currently he published in local and international print and online media. You can follow some of my published links, and , ,www.Bulawayo24.Com/columnist/Enos+Denhere
This talented and charismatic young man he focuses on social, humanitarian, political,business, biblical ,leadership and empowerment teachings. Enos professional career spans 10 years , with experience in marketing, business introduction and representation in the engineering & construction industry covering the Zimbabwe and Southern Africa region. He is well versed in business negotiation, marketing and networking. Enos hold qualifications in London City and Guilds in Microcomputers Technology, A+, Leadership and entrepreneurial skills and speaks fluent English, and resides in Harare, Zimbabwe. Leveraging on an existing customers base and with strong relationships with the governmentparastatals .In addition to his experience and personal qualities, Enos have a solid educational foundation and a passion for technology and business. He is extremely enthusiastic about Business developing focus on working with leading Business firms. Please don’t hesitate to contact him for further information my profile . You can follow Enos's facebook page called Rebuild Africa Blog
Email [email protected] / [email protected]
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