14 years
Cartoon from This Modern World:
TSA chief says 'opt-out' boycott would be a mistake
Opponents of the controversial full-body scanners have called for passengers to boycott the scans on Wednesday, typically one of the nation's busiest days for air travel as Americans travel ahead of the Thursday Thanksgiving holiday.
Supporters say a "National Opt-Out Day" boycott might disrupt the security system, a move that might force federal security officials to reconsider the current full-body scan or "enhanced" pat-down procedures that currently are in place.
The protest took place yesterday. Does anyone know what happened?
Basically you now have 2 choices at US airports if you're one of the ~3% of passengers chosen for the procedure: either go through an x-ray backscatter machine which strip searches you and exposes you to ionizing radiation, or go through an "enhanced pat-down" where they molest you and even put their hands partially down your pants.
One frightened woman who asked questions about the pat-down procedure before they did it ended up getting handcuffed to a chair and her airline ticket ripped up by airport security.
I'm wondering if the protest had any effect...
14 years
Cartoon from This Modern World:
14 years
Next up they'll ask people to literally strip down their clothes :P
There should be another solution, "brute force" is not always the best option.
14 years
Next up they'll ask people to literally strip down their clothes :P
It's getting pretty bad in the US. I'm not sure what is happening in this picture.
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