17 years
Hello community,
One year ago I startet a blog of our Hostel. I would inform the visitors of our homepage, whats happend in our nice town Dresden, our enviroment and in our Hostel. Sometime I found at a newspaper information, where I think they are importend for the guest - so I write this for example in our blog.
Guest get in this kind of information, importend news, pictures and many more.
I think, if somebody have time, will be in contact with guest,also future guest, he should start a blog.
A homepage is a static page, with maybe some flashs, news, but not communication. Any time to ask the webmaster, please rework this or this....
I can recommend wordpress.com..
Ok - at the moment we need more pictures and news, and guests, they are send us a comment.... we have time....:)
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