15 years
I'm sorry to say but I think that Venezuela is a definate no-no for a hostel startup at the minute
Why exactly?
I don´t want to take side pro or contra Chavez, because I know next to nothing about him and have never been in Venezuela. What annoys me is that everybody else seems to be very opinionated - without knowing more than me (not accusing anyone in particular - you might indeed know more than I do).
Anyway, even if the political environment isn´t "investor-friendly" in Venezuela (which I don´t know) - it surely can´t be as bad as in most countries in Africa - and there are hostels there as well, even some in Zimbabwe. If it´s possible to run a bar or restaurant (there are bars and restaurants in Venezuela, right?) it can´t be impossible to start a hostel, even if you´re a Gringo.
In my humble opinion.
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