14 years
just how 'unstable' is south africa though? i mean, theyve had one ruling party since the end of apartheid.
politcally backwards, sure but surprisingly stable.
It says "political environment", not political stability. Even in terms of stability, the UK is much better. It has elected parliaments, freedom of speech etc for a much longer time than SA.
klaus - given that all health systems are essentially designed to keep us alive, i reckon life expectancy is the best indicator. all the doctors in the world dont mean squat unless theyre keeping people alive longer. so unless you include peoples ability to do situps and run long distance, im not sure what else you want in a health index. complaining about not including the number of doctors per capita is an indicator of health but years spent at school being meaningless when measuring education levels is a bit odd...
OK, good point. Anyway, life expectancy alone doesn´t say much if you also consider people´s lifestyle. For example, Albania has a higher life expectancy than Croatia - maybe because Albanians do more physical work (like farming) and can´t afford unhealthy food?
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