17 years
I think, that is a question of prices.
If you have your own employees, they are cleaning the rooms, you know that is the work of the Hostel, and if there made mistakes, there accept the minde.
If you have a company, you say - sorry that was the company, and after many problems you charge with them about the price.
I tryed both, company and employees. The last condition is the best.
The problems are only:
- to organize hollidays
- if one of your emplyees are ill
- to organize freetime, if is verry buzzy
- how much you will pay per hour
- what you to do in the low season
- it is not easy to change in a short time a employer
I have in my Hostel two womens and one student, they are cleaning the rooms. In the season and the weekens they are two every day in the Hostel to until 3 p.m.
In the low season or low periods is only one person in the Hostel.
They have no fulltime job, only 30 hrs per week.
I know, some Hostels working with students together. I think that is ok, but if you change many times, because the left the job, how ever, it´s change also the style for cleaning.
Clean means not any time clean.
Girls see it other than boys! :rolleyes:
Last I will say, it is better for each Hostel, if the guest feel like at home and respect the work others.
I have more time for other work, if not each guest thin, we are garbagecollectors ( look kitchen, bathrooms some times )
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