Obama testing ways to use Internet to govern:
Interesting article about how the next President may use the Internet to govern -- Twitter, YouTube, social networking:
During the campaign, the Obama team showed how new media tools can be used to win the White House. Now, the president-elect's advisers and allies are previewing how they intend to use the power of online organizing to govern.
There's no shortage of other ideas on how to engage people online. During the campaign, Obama officials talked about ways to create a "Craigslist for service" - where people interested in doing some sort of public service or volunteering could be connected with a need in their community. Others have spoken about video streaming all open government meetings. Daou said to expect a lot of "trial and error over the next few months as the White House sees what works."
Brooks' idea: He would love to see Obama - or more likely an aide - use the social networking tool Twitter to update citizens on what he is up to throughout the day. "He wouldn't have to be giving away state secrets or anything, but maybe something like, 'I just met with Paul Volcker and we talked about monetary policy.'
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