Explore California’s Santa Ana River Trail – A Bicycling Adventure
The Santa Ana River Trail spans over 120 miles through Orange, Riverside and San Bernardino counties in Southern California. The trail is one of the largest non-motorized social boulevards in the United States. It is utilized by school kids, workers, walkers, runners, bicyclists, horse riders, bird watchers and its parks and open spaces are social gathering places for kids, families and communities. It is a favorite bicycling route in California. The Santa Ana Rover Trail is paved with handicap accessibility. Along the Trail there are parking areas, picnic tables, restrooms and local restaurants.
Friends of the Santa Ana River Trail is a volunteer community group involved in trail safety education, eco-friendly preservation and recreational multi-use of the Santa Ana River Trail system. Also, known as the Santa Ana River Bikeway, Santa Ana Bicycle Path and SART. Our goal is to encourage a high quality, family oriented trail system that blends an attractive mix of recreational amenities, neighborhood green space, and local cultural heritage allowing people of all ages and abilities the pleasure of outdoor recreation in a fun and safe environment.
As Santa Ana River Trail advocates our community oriented goal has three main parts: 1) to enhance public safety of the Santa Ana River Trail through public education and volunteer community watch; 2) to encourage the socio-economic recreational use of the Santa Ana River Trail as a conduit for connecting local communities, neighborhoods, families, friends and workplaces together; and 3) to act as the Santa Ana River Trail Mediator resolving trail use disputes, complaints, and injury.
Visit website: www.trailsafetypatrol.com
Learn about the Santa Ana River Trail and California’s favorite bicycling route. The website contains an extensive collection of photos, resources, and event schedule.
Contact Information:
Trail Safety Patrol
Santa Ana River Trail
Email: [email]sart@trailsafetypatrol.com[/email]
Website: http://www.trailsafetypatrol.com
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