14 years
You pretty much answered all of the questions yourself actually :) Put it all down on paper, sum it up and see where you are standing at. I assume you want to make couple of pounds of profit from the brekkie, right?
hi there can anyone give me any advice about breakfast?
cause i was thinking to get the bekers like croissants from delice de france here in london, each croissant cost me 30p and for a media of 120 croissants per day it 36 pounds per day and 1.080 per month, actually it's quite a lot....
the juice for example too...i found one juice of 1 liter quite good that cost 69p...with 1 lt i can have 7 glasses of juice so i need 18lt of juice everyday....this cost me 372,60
then the eggs for example are quite expensive too...660 pound per month...and then the millk, the becon, the coffè and the bread...i was hoping to keep the breakfast cots under 2000 pounds...but seems like if it will be more than 4000....any advice? how do u manage the breakfast? and then untill what time do u have breakfast?i was thinking from 7.30 to 10
14 years
You pretty much answered all of the questions yourself actually :) Put it all down on paper, sum it up and see where you are standing at. I assume you want to make couple of pounds of profit from the brekkie, right?
14 years
sorry for the late mate....yes i want to save more money possible...and so i should to think about the way to save money but the breakfast must looks luxory and very nice...how much do u spend per person for breakfast?
I also was thinking to make decide, while the guest is checkin in, which kind of breakfast they want (SALTY:ENGLISH BREAKF. OR SWEET ONE: like italian french breakfast with croissant, juice, coffè and some jam) in this way it will be less probable waste the food cause the night before you'll have the situaton under control and you know exactly how many croissant or how many eggs u are gonna to use...so if 70 guest choised the sweet breakfast u know since the night before and u put 70 croissants in the oven...
14 years
I like the English breakfast, but I don't expect to see it in hostels. The only hostels I know that do an English breakfast are YHAs in England and Wales (not in Scotland) and the Globetrotters Hostel in Dublin which is the best hostel breakfast in the world! A few hostels offer it as an optional extra, but quite expensive.
On the other hand, I do like to have more than the French breakfast, namely an egg of some type, or some cold meat. German and Dutch breakfasts do this. The best hostel breakfasts are those with a buffet in which you can help yourself to any combination including egg, meat or cheese.
I suggest you do: Juice, tea/coffee, jam, butter or similar spread, some of croissant/ bread/toast/bread rolls, and a hard-boiled egg. Have enough bread and tea/coffee that hungry people can eat more, but you can limit everything else.
14 years
I like the English breakfast, but I don't expect to see it in hostels. The only hostels I know that do an English breakfast are YHAs in England and Wales (not in Scotland)
u are really right man! thanks so much! but u know i think an hostel in London must to give at least the idea of a kind of english breakfast ,onestly people come here also for that...sometimes there are some postcards with a tipical english breakfast picture. onestly it's a bit expensive it's true...but it's also true that most of the european tourist get just shocked at the idea to eat becon in the morning (especially italians, spanish and french) and so for half people who get the english one there is another half who get the french/italian style one (that actually it's really cheap). im doing some really accurate research of the prices and probably an english breakfast with beans, 2 slices of bacon, a egg and a tomato could cost me less than 1.20 per person. what do u think?how is your breakfast?
no one here have talked about breakfast but it's a serius voice even becouse if u are not careful with the prices and the products u get u can spend more than 6000 per month, how much do u spend per month? 4 how many beds?
14 years
and also im really desagree with BUFFETS, i prefer prepare the trays by myselfe or someone else but when there is a buffets there is always chaos, even becouse young plp wants save money! fair enough! but i have seen to many times people putting jams, breads, yogurts in a bag to use at the lunch and save money. this means that then the breakfast it's to expensive for us...so i think a good media is around 80p/1 pound per person for the breakfast
14 years
and also im really desagree with BUFFETS,
I agree. I won't use this system in my hostel.
I'm considering a menu with, for example, 3 or 5 different combos, which the guest could pick for the breakfast. U guys think it could be hard-working?
13 years
I'm considering a menu with, for example, 3 or 5 different combos, which the guest could pick for the breakfast. U guys think it could be hard-working?
IF i open a hostel, this is my plan, I had wrote it down already.
I saw this kind of service in a Riad in Marrakech, and I loved it! First because I always pick more than I can eat, and then i feel guilty about it... second because it looks much more fancy if they come to serve you with what you want, and you do not have to stand-up.
But I don't have any idea if it would be a chaos in a 100 beds hostel. In this Riad in Marrakech there were at the most 30 guests, and they served breakfast from 7am until 11am.
It basically had: coffee, milk, tee, natural orange juice (a 200ml glass per each, and orange juice is cheap there and here in Brazil), portion of bread, marmalades, butter, and typical pancakes (2/person).
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