14 years
Do you think its necessary to have both a Fan Page as well as a regular user page though?
I wanted to mention a hostel that does a great job with regular posting on Facebook. There are frequent updates of photos showing off the hostel's great location.
Errigal Hostel on Facebook:
(Login required)
405 photo comments -- showing that people really like the photos and interact with the hostel a lot:
The things that I think work:
14 years
Do you think its necessary to have both a Fan Page as well as a regular user page though?
14 years
I think the best way to do it is for hostels to have fan pages. There are a couple of potential issues with profiles:
14 years
Errigal Hostel's daily photos are great -- it's enough to make me want to go back to Ireland just to check out that area. :)
Check it out some recent ones:
14 years
I think the daily dose is a bit too much.
That's interesting... I'm often wondering about update frequency. I'm currently running 16 Facebook pages and have been experimenting...
I sometimes hear people say that they don't like frequent updates, but on the other hand it seems like the pages that update the most have the most interactions and followers.
(E.g., Loki and Errigal)
Some, like Huffington Post, are updating as much as three times per hour.
There's a way for users to reduce the updates they see -- just hover over an update and look for the "hide" link:
Then click the button:
That doesn't unfollow the page/person, but should remove their updates from your homepage stream. If you hide it, you can still go to the Facebook page to see the latest updates. For hostels, I'm assuming that if people get update-overload, they will either unfollow the hostel's page (which doesn't seem to happen on a large scale) or just hide the updates...
14 years
Personally if I was setting up a hostel page I wouldn't use a personal profile for a business. It means that people who are not on facebook can't see your content. Perhaps everyone is on facebook, but I doubt it. I aren't anyway. Regarding updates, I think the best way is to update when you have somehting that you think your fans will be genuinely interested in, not just updating for the sake of it. It depends as well how popular you are, I'd think the rules might be different for the huffinton post compared to a hostel page.
14 years
It depends as well how popular you are, I'd think the rules might be different for the huffinton post compared to a hostel page.
Definitely much different... I was just giving an example of the highest end of posting frequency... :)
14 years
We had more than 200 hundred fans ("likes" nowadays) before we even started our business, and number is now close to 500, which is pretty well for a oddly located (Finland) hostel.
We have a page, and it works quite well. Im planning to make a profile as well though, as i have a good arguments for it...
We have very light organization in here, just me and the workers. We let our FB to live its own life, but it has caused little problems. Our vietnamese trainee is little bit too enthustiastic for FB and he's english even worse than mine. So, I want him to publish his personal feelings and photos, as he is a keen photographer. The problem is that he's views are now automatically connected to hostels "official" views, which not always nice. So, I thought (among some other reasons) to establish a profile for hostel staff. The "page" will be still "official" (but still open and honest) channel for hostel news. Then, the profile will do two things: post to page and live its own life as unofficial site. The name being something like Dreamhostel Staff, we can sign posts we make by our own name so people know who wrote it. By this way, staff can wrote stuff on their own, personal style without messing peoples heads.
Basically profile is for guests and page for guests-to-be :)
Does it sound too complicated? Check out our page at:
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