14 years
Firing seems a bit much when all they had to do is perhaps give a warning at most. And even then.. It's facebook for goodness sake.
Facebook post costs waitress her job
The managers at Brixx called her in a day or two later, she says. They showed her a copy of her Facebook comments and told her she was being fired for violating company policy against speaking disparagingly about customers. A Brixx official said she also violated a second policy against casting the restaurant in a negative light on social networks.
The business' Facebook group is now covered with comments supporting the waitress:
Good comment:
I wonder how many thousands of dollars Brixx will end up losing by firing an employee rather than simply using the situation as a training opportunity.....
14 years
Firing seems a bit much when all they had to do is perhaps give a warning at most. And even then.. It's facebook for goodness sake.
14 years
Firing seems a bit much when all they had to do is perhaps give a warning at most. And even then.. It's facebook for goodness sake.
Is Brixx worried that her friends are going to find out that she's unhappy with the restaurant's customers for not tipping well enough?? Surely she would tell them that in person over a beer anyway. Unless she can't afford to go out for a beer with her friends because the customers don't tip well enough.
I wonder if the policies regarding not speaking disparagingly about the customers and casting the restaurant in a negative light are contractual or just considered good practice.
I agree that the things you say online (even on your privacy-tweaked facebook profile) are not private and may very well come back to bite you. Getting fired for that though? I think it's a step too far. I'm sure that this action caused much more negative light to be cast on Brixx than the post itself.
14 years
If she's smart enough, she'll sue the restaurant for violating her privacy... whatever she talks to her friends (even if FB friends), thats completely belong to her own private life!!! A company can't judge on someone's private conversation or spying after anyone on Facebook!!! :rolleyes:
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