14 years
I'm not sure -- if anyone knows the answer, we could post it on the Hostel Furniture wiki page.
I am looking for the EU NORM for bunkbeds. Do the beds have to apply to this Norm, or is it optional?
Thanks for your help.
14 years
I'm not sure -- if anyone knows the answer, we could post it on the Hostel Furniture wiki page.
14 years
What is the URL supposed to be?
This URL you posted doesn't work because there is a space in it:
http://eu regelations.webs.hostels.eu
14 years
If English is not your first language, we are very grateful that you write in English, and we don't mind if you make spelling mistakes. However, web site addresses DO MIND! You need to be careful to get it exactly right, including whether there is a space or quote mark in the right or wrong place. I suspect that you have also spelled the main word wrongly in this case: "regelations" seems to mean snow that has melted and then frozen again! Could it be: "regulations"?
14 years
There would appear to be no E.U. regulations about hostels. See here:
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