7 years
How is the hostel going?
I have a new hostel in Vienna, but would like to have someone take it over if possible. or we can work it as partners.
Hello everyone, we have started our project here in Austria to open a 70 bed hostel in one of the major cities in Austria. We have found the property, the lease is ready to sign for long term and we are planning on opening around end of June. We are two partners but we are interested in finding a third partner to support the start-up costs phase, who can either become an active partner or invest in our business. We can talk more in a private message, but we are only looking for someone who has at least 80'000 euro to invest. Please message me for details [email protected]
7 years
How is the hostel going?
I have a new hostel in Vienna, but would like to have someone take it over if possible. or we can work it as partners.
7 years
hi jimmy.
working on something. you can send me a message about another small hostel of mine.
send a PM or "viennatm @ gmail.com"
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