Business Partner for new Hostel in Toyko
Looking to start a Hostel in Tokyo this year.
It will cater to both local and foreign guests in a location close to both central Tokyo and Disney theme parks. Planning for between 50 to 80 beds depending on location.
I have been in the Hotel / Hostel business in Japan for over 10 years but am looking for a partner that also has local knowledge (including Japanese language skills) to assist with planning an implementation.
I can fund the Hostel but would also be open to investment as well.
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8 years
This email is to express my interest finding a job.
My name is Athanasios Skouras, 28 years old from Athens, Greece.
As my resume indicates, my background includes a few years of experience in the Hospitality Industry, Customer Services and HR.
Technical and computer skills.
I was working in Hostels around Europe for a lo of years.
I was always fascinated for the Japanese culture and language and would be a dream come true for me to move and live in Japan.
If you offer me this opportunity, i am willing to move to Japan as soon as possible and be part of your hostel family.
Looking forward to hear from you
Best Regards,,
Athanasios Skouras
email: [email protected]
7 years
Arigato gozeimasu for your response.
My email addess is [email protected]
Thnk you once again and hope to hear from you soon
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