The bunk bed of your dreams
Our friend Philipp Obermair over at Yoho Hostel in Salzburg has issued a challenge to get your creativity flowing. We have talked about hostel bunk bed design features we would love to see, but now is your chance to help create the ultimate bunk bed for the future.
Here is the message from Philipp:
hello to the world of hostels!
our hostel in salzburg is currently working on a complete new system for bunkbeds (lets call it the bunk2020). we have hired some students from the university of applied sciences salzburg (fh salzburg) to build prototypes. we actually also put some money into this. to get some ideas, we need your help.
as you all work or have worked at hostels you know it best. but instead of asking to do a boring survey, we ask you to draw your perfect hostel (bunk) bed.
everything is allowed, be creative! one of the students will do a bachelor-thesis (she studies woodwork/art) about this and will construct the prototype at her masters next year. so the more creative info we get, the better the thesis will be.
wifi, bedlights and much more might be already outdated then, so also ask your guests if you can. for the moment, we dont care if your ideas would be finacially or technically possible, the idea matters.
attached you find a little paperspread, print it, draw it, scan it and send it back. the uni (for the thesis) is asking for your email adress (for prooving), of course we keep this confidential.
and about the free shot at the bottom we do the same with our customers but whenever you are in austria, you will get one for sure (if not two).
for any questions let me know. many thanks. target is to have 100 papers by 30.4.2018 we think about a little price for the best ideas :)
we send you best regards from salzburg, austria
happy easter
phil @ yoho salzburg
You are certainly encouraged to list your suggestions here, but please also send a drawing to Philipp. Thanks!the innovative bunk bed.docx
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