6 years
Hi Jonathan,
Great to hear about your new startup. Quebec is a beautiful region and I hope you have success in your business.
It is good firstly to work out profit in regards the whole business to make sure your expectations are met. Try to figure our normal percentage occupancy levels which might be difficult for you as it is the first hostel in the area but even something as simple as checking on booking.com and it should give you a percentage of properties booked out for that night so it will give you some indications.
You can also work out the cost per bed. So you can work out say that each bed costs you 5 dollars in running costs so then. You will probably divide this per season so different costs by time of year so anything above this that you charge is profit. You then know what is your minimum pricing for that bed for that bed at that time.
Because you have a bar and maybe you make 2 dollars per guest so you could technically still sell the bed at cost but know you will make money off them in the bar. The thing you also have to work our is your style of guest and which type of guest you are targetting. This might evolve over time. So maybe selling the bed at 5 dollars gets you a cheap guest who doesnt spend money at the bar but the guest who will pay 20 dollars spends a lot more money at the bar. You could do some interesting analysis if you tracked bar tab by room and guest type and really hone in the guest you are looking for.
For me in regards bike rental etc. You work out the profit made per rental and then say take a figure maybe 10% of your guests will rent one item in their stay. So number of guests x .1 x average profit per item. Also two other revenue streams might be vending machine and commission from tours. Commission from tours can be a very easy way of adding to your bottom line.
I guess in regards your staff figures there are a few things you have left out. One being the hours of reception/bar. If the reception is 24 hours or not which would make a difference and if the bar is being run from reception. Work out average cleaning time per guest or per bed. Private rooms obviously take longer . Will the cleaners have to strip the beds or will the guest do this. Do the cleaners have to do laundry?
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