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Give Your Hostel a Fresh Coat of Paint
Housekeeping and Maintenance
6 years 5 months ago
First impressions matter, which is why you want your hostel to look as good on the outside as it does on the inside. Your lawn should be neat, your hedges should be trimmed, and your hostel should be visually pleasing. To achieve this effect, you should freshen up the color of your exterior walls from time to time. With that in mind, here are a couple of things you should know about painting your exterior walls.
Safety comes first
No matter what kind of manual work you’re doing, nothing is more important than staying safe. For example, when using a ladder, the bottom part should be away from the base of the hostel, and it should be on a firm surface so it doesn’t tilt. Moreover, if possible, there should always be somebody holding the ladder steady. It’s also a good idea to secure the top of your ladder with a rope; you can tie it to a window frame or to whatever seems the most fitting.
When it comes to your gear, wear flat shoes so you don’t slip. When cleaning the walls, wear a dust mask and goggles. Also, never try to outreach something while you’re on a ladder. You could tilt the ladder and fall, so it’s much safer to get down on the ground and move the ladder first. Additionally, make sure to keep one hand on the ladder at all times.
Cleaning the area
First things first, you have to clean the walls. You might be tempted to go straight to painting, but if you want to achieve the best results possible, you need to prepare the surface. Use a bristled hand brush to get rid of any loose paint and dirt. You should also use a scraper for removing any loose masonry. Additionally, you can also pressure-clean all the exterior walls to ensure that there aren’t any loose parts left. Next, if you notice any mold or algae, make sure to clean the area thoroughly and use a fungicidal wash or chlorine bleach.
Repairing any damage
If you notice any damage on your walls, like small cracks or holes, don’t worry. They can be sealed easily with a good exterior filler. First, make sure there isn’t any loose material. Then, apply the filler with a knife, and make it as smooth as the rest of the wall. Let it dry, and rub it down with sandpaper. Also, if there are any wooden parts that show signs of rotting, like window frames, fascia boards, or decorations, replace them.
Priming the walls
If you want your paint job to look the best it possibly could, it’s important to prime your walls properly. This means that you should use a quality sealer with a high resin content. This way, you will create a good surface for the paint. Just don’t forget to check the labels, so you know how long you have to wait before you can start painting.
Choosing the paint
Once you’re done with the preparations, you can finally focus on the paint. When it comes to choosing the best paint for your hostel, there are a few things to keep in mind. In terms of quality, you should look for 100 percent acrylic latex paint. In other words, look for paints that are labeled as “premium” or “super-premium”, as they are more likely to be higher in volume solids; volume solids are pigments and binders that remain when the paint dries and the solvent evaporates.
As for choosing the right color, consider all the elements of your hostel. Pick the color that complements your roof, stone accents, decorative elements, garden, etc. You can also drive around your neighborhood to get an idea of what might appeal to you. Just keep in mind that colors look different depending on the time of the day, so you can always paint small parts in different colors and look at them in the morning, noon, and evening. Needless to say, the color you choose should be one you actually like.
Painting the walls
First, make sure you have enough time – you need at least a week of good weather to finish your project. Get all the necessary tools for painting, from brushes to ladders. It might also be a good idea to get quality portable scaffolding, as it’s much steadier and more comfortable than a ladder.
As for the painting itself, you should divide each wall into sections, and paint one section per session. Don’t forget to cover with plastic everything you don’t want to paint, like your windows. There are many different painting techniques depending on the type of the surface and the effect you want to achieve. Moreover, if you can afford it, apply a second coat of paint after the first one dries, especially if you’ve opted for vibrant colors.
After the painting
Once you’re done painting, store the remaining paint properly, and never pour it down the drain. Remove as much paint as you can from the brushes and rollers, clean them with soap, rinse, and let them dry.
Whether you are remodeling your hostel or simply freshening up its appearance, it’s important to clean and paint your walls properly in order for it to look the best it could. So, do your research, get all the tools, arm yourself with patience and dedication, and your hostel will look better than ever before.
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