16 years
Probably the right thing to do. I know it´s a stereotype, but Brits and alcohol...
Britain May Ban 'Happy Hour' As Alcohol Related Deaths Rise:
LONDON — Britain is considering a ban on "happy hour" discounts at bars and restaurants to curb drinking, a spokesman said Saturday, as health advocates warned that a rise in liver-related deaths among young people may signal a future epidemic.
Health officials will decide on whether to ban the happy hours _ designated times for discount drinks _ once an independent policy review is published in coming weeks, a health department spokesman said on customary condition of anonymity.
The proposal was one of several aimed at stemming a trend in binge drinking in recent years, particularly among teenagers and young adults. The government also plans to spend 10 million pounds ($15 million) on a new public awareness campaign, and wants to improve enforcement of laws against underage drinking.
16 years
Probably the right thing to do. I know it´s a stereotype, but Brits and alcohol...
16 years
The UK is getting weird and weirder nowadays.
Almost 70 pubs closing every month overall the UK because people just don't go to the pubs anymore, thankfully to the smoking bans, because people rather buy booze at the supermarket for quarter price and making a house party where you can smoke without standing outside in the rain. So what's the plan of the government now? Increase taxes for off-license shops, so the prices would be equal to pubs. Can you imagine paying 3 quid for a bottle of beer in an Aldi, for example? :eek:
Another examples, 50 quid fine is for public (even outdoor) smoking, including bus stops. 50 pounds fine for littering. Both kinda understandable. BUT: 50 pounds reward for anyone if you report such thing to the yard... Welcome to the People's Republic of UK! :rolleyes:
And some notes about the next generation: playgrounds are getting banned and closed due health and safety issues, stated as a dangerous place where children can get hurt! At some British school, the principal banned tagging, as an aggressive game. Majority of British teachers would bring back cane as a punishment for pupils.
Approximately 300,000 people leaving the UK every year because of such things, also complaints against immigrants being preferred.
I understand that there is a need for some regulations as English youngsters are infamous about get mortally pissed and raiding around, however IMHO it rather reflects a need of a youth program. Instead of keep banning and advertising what's bad, the government should offer alternatives: Building communities, education, sport, hiking would give a meaning to all these kids who get frustrated about their parents, being too busy with everything else but them. Too bad that most of these parents think TV and computers could substitute them, and it could give the kids social behavior and proper education.
The UK is a lovely country as I could experience it several times, however, I don't think I could live there due such regulations.
And this new ban is just another below-the-belt punch for the already declining economy...
16 years
the licensing laws here do my head in sometimes... cant have a happy hour, but the supermarket can sell a crate of beer at a loss for less than £5 and thats all hunky dory :eek: makes it difficult to compete when your guests can pick up 2 litres of cider for the price of a pint.
the whole damn country does my head in sometimes actually, its a real case of pointing this great country in COMPLETELY the wrong direction. that, and its friggin cold and wet too. [/rant]
i really need to find a new country...
15 years
well, i just sat my personal licensee test, so now im legally able to authorise the sale of alcohol. i also got a run down on the new laws coming into practise in september.
looks like i'll be moving on at the right time as tehres no way in hell i would want to run a bar with the new uber-restrictive laws. the thing that really irks me is that its going to seriously hurt independent pubs. the big supermarkets can keep selling alcohol as cheap as they want because, well, theyre BIG businesses. the bigger chain pubs can afford to lower their prices across the board if they want because of their buying power. but the litte guys like us? we cant discount drinks, cant give them away, cant lower our prices across the board - and if we do, the tax department comes knocking.
if the government wants to crack down on binge drinking, do it properly and set prices and access. this new system is an utter farce. a complete waste of time and will seriously hurt small businesses. makes me seriously angry. this country's turning to crap.
15 years
i have worked in pubs in Newcastle, Australia for 5 years, and recently a residents group, council and the liscencing police have implemented rules for the CBD such as no shots, no double spirits,no jagerbombs and early lockouts in late night clubs. combined with tough anti smoking laws, and the doubling of tax on pre mixed drinks, many pubs around here are going under. it takes so much effort to comply with all the rules here, it just doesnt seem worth it now. they blame it on the Hospitality industry, and yet they do nothing to educate people or patrol the streets. i fear we are going the same way as England. its such a shame as its a great city, with the majority of people being really nice. i am setting up a backpackers here, and i want my guests to enjoy the city, not have to worry about what rules they might be breaking.
15 years
Massachusetts banned happy hours years ago. A lack of happy hour is one of the several reasons why Massachusetts is an expensive place to live, and a strong factor in my desire to move back to Texas.
15 years
i have worked in pubs in Newcastle, Australia for 5 years, and recently a residents group, council and the liscencing police have implemented rules for the CBD such as no shots, no double spirits,no jagerbombs and early lockouts in late night clubs. combined with tough anti smoking laws, and the doubling of tax on pre mixed drinks, many pubs around here are going under. it takes so much effort to comply with all the rules here, it just doesnt seem worth it now. they blame it on the Hospitality industry, and yet they do nothing to educate people or patrol the streets. i fear we are going the same way as England. its such a shame as its a great city, with the majority of people being really nice. i am setting up a backpackers here, and i want my guests to enjoy the city, not have to worry about what rules they might be breaking.
thats just for newcastle yeah? melbourne tried the whole lock out thing and it failed... dismally. then there is the farce that is the alcopops tax, which looks like collapsing and resulting in refunds.
i think a developing country is the way to go... plus they tend to be in warmer climes. costa rica baby, here i come!
15 years
Massachusetts banned happy hours years ago. A lack of happy hour is one of the several reasons why Massachusetts is an expensive place to live, and a strong factor in my desire to move back to Texas.
Massachusetts banned happy hour?
There must be a lot of good breweries in Boston at least?
15 years
When the history can repeat itself.
It's very interesting to compare The Great Depression and the Alcohol Ban with
the current trends and regulations... :rolleyes:
Thank god, we are not there. Hopefully never be.
15 years
Massachusetts banned happy hour?
Here it is in all it's glory:
There must be a lot of good breweries in Boston at least?
I like Harpoon and some of the seasonal Sam Adams. Some good New England, micro-brews outside of Mass. are Victory, Long Trail, and Magic Hat.
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