13 years
Super video!
Search for the ideas for my hostel and it's the most smart I've seen.
Check out this security camera footage, classic.
13 years
Super video!
Search for the ideas for my hostel and it's the most smart I've seen.
13 years
There was another shot from a camera behind the reception that I didn't edit into it. Stephan is playing online poker, and he sees the guy do a back flip over the railing on the security monitor. But, he doesn't go out to help until he finishes his hand. Classic.
12 years
this. was. brilliant. awesome marketing and i totally want to steal your idea...best i can do is lots and lots of sex tapes (not me mind you!)....probably our most horny and disgusting was the couple getting it on bent over the trash compacter...now that is really needing it!
10 years
Hey guys! I want to share with you this brilliant hostel marketing video from Peru:
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