10 years
We have just started using MyAllocator and are more than happy with the system. I am no way an expert but may be you should contact Mark or Mo at [email protected]. I am sure they could help you better.
I'm looking for hostel owners or managers who are experts on either MyAllocator and SiteMinder. During our recent panel discussions and my conversations with hostel owners I'm feeling like there are many of us who are not using these channel managers, or not understanding every aspect of the technology and therefore not using them to their fullest potential. I would like to work with a couple of experts who truly know the ins and outs of MyAllocator and SiteMinder to produce screencasts that will show other HostelManagement members how to leverage these technologies to diversify their hostel marketing. If you feel you are an expert on one of these sites and are available to do a Google Hangout, please contact Darren at darren (AAATTTT) hostelmanagment.com.
10 years
We have just started using MyAllocator and are more than happy with the system. I am no way an expert but may be you should contact Mark or Mo at [email protected]. I am sure they could help you better.
10 years
Not an expert, although we've used MyAllocator combined with Loventis over the past year now. Could not be happier: easy to use, incredibly fast service whenever I have any questions or issues, and it allows us to offer online availability right up to the last minute of that day.
10 years
Aloha SASKIA...are you on New York City same time zone...we are 5 or 6 hours earlier in the day than NYC (depending on Daylight savings...we do not change time here in Hawaii...)...and re are having a nightmare having no ability for our guetss to make reservations same day after about noon our time which is about the next day in London...
We are trying to get MyA to help us correct this.
I bring this up because you are saying no problem with same day reservations...maybe i should choose San Francisco time as that would be an improvement to the early res shutdown time we are experiencing.
10 years
Hi Jay,
We are actually Canada/Atlantic timezone, which is one hour difference from NYC time zone. We were able to set the timezone to our timezone within MyAllocator after which we were able to offer last minute online availability. Note: we did have to set the timezone correctly within each online booking option as well for it to work properly (hostelbookers, hostelworld and such).
10 years
Thanks, Saskia, we have not used the Booking Channels yet (17 years of dinosaur consciousness) but now with this parity thing broken we are soon to be on it and hopefully fill our tiny hostel.
We double checked the time zone on the Book Now and Settings...it is correct...we were at a 10pm limit but now changed it so 11:59pm...for same day bookings and will retry a test tonight w/ my credit card....
I can't imagine with super speedy internet service here, and checking the problem on 3 different computers (MAC and PC) and BananaDesk cannot place res's on the correct day...I'm sure they will fix it but in the meantime we have gone over to Loventis.
The people at BD are super cool and we may return if what they say they will offer works.
I'll keep the forum posted as to outcome; if Pacific/Honolulu time does not work, we may have to move over to the San Francisco Time Zone and at least get up to 10pm here and midnight in SF. Though summer is a 3 hour time difference.
Again thanks,
10 years
AS to the MyAllocator time zone same day online reservation capability, MyA has found a problem and has told us their developer will try to fix it...otherwise our guests cannot make same day reservations after noon time; which very many of our guests tell us they try to do.
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