In order to avoid the use of cash as much as possible we are thinking about implementing a sort of "online payment system" that the guests will use on arrival in order to pay the balance.
So far the only solution dedicated to the industry I found was IWB payment system (, has anyone tried it ? The thing is that they charge a 5.9% comission on all the transactions which added to the usual 10% agent comission is too high for us.
There are also the general solutions such as paypal but again when you are working with international credit cards the transaction fees are quite high, the problem is the same with a basic card processing system for which the guest will pay too much operation fees.
Is anyone using a good solution to realize online credit cards payment or is it utopian for a hostel business ?
Thanks in advance,
PS. The other issue is that we are based in South America and not all the program are available in this side of the world...
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