As the hostel is becoming more occupied than ever, we have a serious trouble in the turnover rate of our staff.
The staff who worked from the first day of the hostel have worked for us for a year as they promised during the recruitment. After we've passed the first anniversary, they had to leave for different reasons. It seems that they all liked to work in a hostel, but the career path is limited. Some of them came back to work as a part-time or volunteer...anything but a full-time staff.
Among the new staff we've recruited, while many of them failed the probation for different reasons (theft, too nervous at dealing with strangers, neglect work), we couldn't even retain the very good one. That guy still loves to come back to the hostel from time to time, and hanged out with our staff, but he just doesn't like being a receptionist, probably because of lack of career path.
While we're expanding our headcount and reduce workload for our staff, I'm also wondering what a good hostel could do to retain the good staff.
Salary is a major factor. While we couldn't afford to pay as good as a big company, our salary is around 25-30% higher than receptionists in my city. We're now thinking about giving a lower salary, but ample bonus for each three month.
At 6th month, they will get the bonus for the first 3 months. And at 9th month, they'll get the bonus from 4th to 6th month. Not quite sure if it can keep them to work for longer.
What else tricks do you have?
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