I think that hosteling would be more popular in the US if more Americans knew what a hostel is.
This is an example of a phone call that I've had a few times from a hostel front desk:
"Hi this is Josh from [name] hostel"
"You're calling from which hospital?"
"No, hostel, H-O-S-T-E-L. Like a hotel, but a hostel."
"Hostel, like youth hostel"
"Which hospital did you say you were at?"
I think that hosteling would do a lot better in the US if more Americans knew what hostels were. Many Americans have only heard about hostels because of the horror movie.
I think that many people in the US are driving around the country and traveling places, but only staying at hotels and motels.
If more Americans knew about hostels it would be good for hostels everywhere because there would be a new group of people who suddenly realize that traveling isn't as expensive as it sounds.
Does anyone have ideas on how to make the idea of hosteling more known in the USA?
Just brainstorming some ideas:
- A coordinated effort for US hostels to give slideshows about hostels and traveling. When I stayed at one of the California HI hostels Edward Hasbrouck came by and gave a presentation on how to travel around the world. He was promoting his book and airtreks.com, but what if more hostels offered presentations/slideshows and invited students to events at the hostel...? I think that HI USA is doing this at the hostels that they run, but I'm not sure if many other hostels are doing it.
- Hostels mentioned in TV or movies (not just horror movies)
- More coverage of hostels and backpacker travel in major media like NYT. This is already happening more often lately.
If you are from the US, how did you first hear about hostels?
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