Integrated system?
Hello HM community!
First of all, let me thank you, I found tons of interesting infos in this forum.
I on a serious hunt for a software able to satisfy all our needs. I looked into many PMS (Cloudbeds, Bananadesk, Iblesa, Loventis, HostelOffice, name it) but I decided that PMS alone is not enough.
What about accounting? stock? pos? many of them don't integrate with any of these features.
So I ask the community! We need the following features:
-PMS (for front desk ops, booking engine, check ins/outs and bla bla bla). Say a nice CloudBeds.
-Back Office (accounting and stock mostly)
-Channel Manager
All PMS integrate with a Channel Manager ok, some even with a POS. But what about if I want a unique, integrated solution? Something that integrates perfectly front desk operations with point of sale and accounting and stock?
I surfed a lot of websites. So far the only two companies that offer suck integrated solution are eZee Burrp! (11 softwares!) and GuestCentrix. But GC has a quite confusing website that does not explain much in detail and it has a terrible support. I wrote them and they did not hit me back. Cloudbeds has the best support so far, but it is only FrontDesk and ChManager. I have to say I bet that CloudBeds will be a leader in the future, the owners are the same of MyAllocator and they seem to know very well what they are doing, but so far it is not enough for our needs!
Do you know others? can you share experiences if you use such a software? Or if you simply want to share the solution that you adopted, that would also help a lot :) maby I'm overrating the importance of having all in one...
- Comments

9 years
As a software developer in the hostel business one thing i have learned is that every single hostel has his specific needs and ways of handling things. And in addition not only every country has specific tax and regulatory rules but also even different cities have special requisitions like e.g. tourist taxes or others.
So a software vendor delivering a solution from stock has to make a tradeoff between on one hand maximum flexibility and features, which also means a very complex system that takes some time to adapt and learn, and on the other hand a straightforward streamlined solution maybe not fullfilling every special demand in detail.
I am still convinced a community solution could be a very powerful answer to this challenge.
Of course the first thing to do is to specify what would be the perfect solution, which has been done here several times before.
My question here would be what is meant by POS here by the thread opener? Is it about selling items above the reception desk only or something in additon?
And maybe somebody has an idea about how to finance such a community solution?
I can deliver quite an amount of tools which are already developed and in professional use for years.
And i am willing to do the work, but the financial aspect has to be cleared in advance.
So any input is welcome, let's share ideas.
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