We are looking at investing or opening a hostel in northern Germany in 2017. We don't want to be involved in the day to day business but in the management part of the hostel and have good contacts in the tourism industry.
We are either looking at investing in an existing hostel with active partners who take care of the day to day business or opening a new hostel together with a new partner who is willing to take care of the day to day business.
From scanning this forum the last three hours I can tell that there are a lot of empty promises here. This is a serious request!
What we bring to the table:
- 70-120k investment. Possibly more!
- Large media coverage (we have a media company reaching up to 500.000 people a month in travel & leisure)
- Marketing (SEO, Content Marketing, Retargeting etc…) and PR knowledge (we are partners of a marketing & pr agency)
- Management knowledge
What we want:
- a unique brand (focusing on 20-30something, no party hostel)
- a partner who's active in day to day business
- a partner with the ability to invest into a joint venture
- preferably in northern Germany (Bremen, Hamburg, Hanover, Cuxhaven, Kiel, Lübeck, maybe Berlin etc…)
If this is interesting to you, wether as a hostel owner or a potential new partner, please get in touch with a direct message here on the site!
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