Just Fitted New Software system!!
I have spent about three months looking for a Front of House System and we finally went for LOVENTIS with MyAllocator as channel manager.
I was concerned by the level of work I was taking on but I must say the back-up support is second to none.
I made so many mistakes,pulled my hair out -but an email sent will be answered in minutes with the issues listed and resolved
The system works perfectly (now) the bell rings to indicate a booking - it seamlesssly books,allocates, and deducts from our other existing rooms
available. We are now linked to about 10 different companies selling our rooms and the level of stress is nil because I know I can email any issues.
The level of support and hand holding cannot be under estimated.
I can only strongly recommend both companies should anyone want an inexpensive option that works!!
In My case LOVENTIS was FREE!!!!
I looked at seven other packages and I really feel I have made the right choice.
Should you have any questions or need help I am happy to respond.
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