16 years
i tell them to pack up their stuff and leave immediately, or i'll pack their stuff up and the police will ensure they leave. usually does the job. thats if its a behavioural issue - if its late rent, im a little nicer about it. a little.
depends what they did and depends how badly i want to get rid of them. if i catch someone red-handed, no refunds. if its a case of really just wanting them out because theyre weird, or a pain in the ass or something else, then i might offer a refund to hurry things up/smooth them out.
we have a 'blacklist' - and most computer systems ive used have a barred list feature too. havent had any real issues with that in the past.
ooooh... where do i start? got my nose broken on halloween, broke up a serious domestic in melbourne, had to almost physically remove an ex-employee from the premises here recently... in more than a few places ive been the only guy that works on front-desk, so i tend to get the rough nuts who dont want to co-operate. fun times. i get to use my 'school teacher' voice :D
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