17 years
The following chains exist in UK.
St Christophers (8 hostels)
Globetrotter (London, Edinburgh)
Oxford BP and Bath BP
MacBackpackers (8)
Gatliff Trust (4, Outer Hebrides)
Chains of 2 or more hostels within one city:
Astors (about 6 hostels, London)
Smart (3, London)
Journeys (3, London)
Birmingham BP (2)
Brodies (2, Edinburgh)
Hoppo (2, Edinburgh)
A set of 3 (Cowgate in Edinbugh + 2)
Elenydd Trust (2 hostels, mid-Wales)
Generator (London, do they have one in Berlin also?)
Wake Up (London known, any others?)
Euro Hostel (Glasgow known, any others?)
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